Ein Überblick über den österreichischen Fahrzeugmarkt
Ich suche derzeit nach einem Auto und wie vermutlich jeder Autokäufer habe ich mich vorab im Internet ein wenig zum Thema informiert. Dabei stößt man in beinahe jedem Artikel auf den Punkt, man solle auf keinen Fall einen Neuwagen kaufen. Also habe ich mir einen zwei Jahre alten Skoda Fabia angesehen. Letztlich war ich mir bei diesem Fahrzeug leider nicht sicher, ob es wirklich gut genug behandelt wurde und habe zu den beobachteten Problemen im Internet einige problematische Zukunftsszenarien gelesen.
Connecting servers from multiple providers to one cluster in a VPN (and cutting the AWS bill)
When I first started to use AWS services I was wondering why so many people use EC2 machines 24/7 and pay a ton of money for a server that - at least in Europe - you get for much less money (if you run your server the whole month). A bit later, I came to realize that it’s a lot easier to run a cluster inside AWS with their VPC service than it is at other providers.
A simplistic backup strategy for Git repositories to AWS S3
Since I started hosting some of my git repository on my own server instead of Github, I wanted a backup strategy for my repositories. I see several possibilities there:
Securing an nginx hosted website with SSL
As soon as you provide some sort of password secured login on your website, you have to implement SSL/TLS to secure the password transmission. Plus, there is the general tendency nowadays to encrypt traffic which does not transport traffic, just to protect the privacy of your internet visitors. With encryption, eavesdroppers can only know which domain (hostname) and server (IP address) you connect to, but not which page and what kind of information from that host you are reading.
Using different hosters for domain and subdomain
Recently for an active project I wanted to link the main domain
to one hoster and a subdomainbeta.sprakit.com
to another hoster. Technically, this is not a big deal, but it’s simpler with a basic understanding of the DNS record and its entries.