• Get RSS Feeds for Youtube Channels with a Shell Script

    Sometimes, I’d like to follow Youtube channels, but I don’t want to use the Youtube website for that. Luckily, Youtube offers RSS feeds, they just don’t advertise them publicly (so let’s see for how long they continue to exist…).

  • Lowercase all Tags in Jekyll Posts using sed

    I’m currently reading the book sed & awk by Dale Dougherty and Arnold Robbins and already in the third chapter I learnt amazing new features. Like probably many other people up to now I have only used sed for simple one-liner replacement commands using the sed commands s or d. Whenever I wanted to achieve something, I had to use a search engine, look up a few answers on stackoverflow and then adjust them. But that’s not the way I want to learn my tools! I want to learn them profoundly.

  • Quickly Filtering Photos with sxiv

    One reason why I like Linux and its ecosystem is that software is mostly scriptable. If it does not do what I want it to do, there’s usually a way to extend it. While writing this post, I’m going through my collection of photos to select some that I want to print.

  • Different Ways to Install Syslinux from Archlinux

    Recently, I migrated a computer from a 2TB hard disk to a 4TB hard disk, which means I had to switch from DOS partition layout to GPT. However, this PC was not booting with UEFI. On another PC I am booting with UEFI. Which means, I am managing different bootloader scenarios, all with Syslinux. In this post I want to collect my notes to keep an overview over my setups.

  • Code Structure of Watson Time Tracking (Python)

    In this post I want to have a look at the code structure of Watson, a simple Python program for time tracking. It is the first of hopefully a long series of articles in which I analyse the architecture of open source projects. Watson is quite simple and is programmed in my primary language (Python), so it is a good starting point.